Friday, 6 November 2015

What a Day For a Daydream

What a day for a day dream, what a day for a day dreamin’’s late September and all is well. We can all breathe a sigh of relief, and ignore the blather our pathetic leaders and wannabe leaders are lying about. Good old Gordon! Never in my life thought I would ever say or write anything positive about the bloke that shat on all our private pensions and steered us very close to the edge of financial collapse. However, he did play a bigger part in persuading the “didn’t knows” than any of the other liars. I would not like to live under the rule of Nicola Sturgeon, she is a bigger liar than fish-face.

Changing subject, is it our job to go and blow up some nasty idiots? Would you go over and kick a hornet’s nest in someone else’s garden? I doubt it. Turkey (allegedly) is backing these murders, as they might wipe out those pesky Kurds for them (personally, the Kurds I have met are really nice). The other Arab States are not very secretly backing ISIS because they don’t want anyone thinking about democracy anymore (remember the Arab Spring? What happened to that?).  And ISIS (Sunni) are enemies of Iran as they are all Shiites. If you read Sunni as Catholics and Shiites Proddies, then remember we weren’t that good to each other 600 years ago. They are about 600 years behind us so it will all settle down one day soon. It is none of our business; leave them alone!

Changing again, what’s that mad house elf doing while all this hoo-hah is going on? Someone told me this is just another civil war as well; apparently Kiev was the old capital of Russia. These Ukrainians are uber Russians, bit like the Austrians are to Germany. Well I could be wrong, and if you know differently please reply. Actually I would like to publish most of the replies I have received because many of them are far better than my mitherings.  I would write “Blah blah” said JB from Smethwick.

Let me know if you don’t want any of your replies included please, and enjoy the coming weekend.  Mine started last night. Just had a round of golf with a good chum and now I need to cuddle my one year old granddaughter all afternoon, it’s a tough life.

Non je regrette rien

Non, Je ne regrette rien....but no matter which side wins there will be regrets. Alex the vile fish faced liar has managed to divide the country right down the middle for his own greedy ends.

I just hope the side that wins, wins well. If there is a win for the No voters, there should not be another referendum until 75% of the country polls Yes, this would avoid what is about to happen.

All this has been gripping viewing and listening, keeping us away from the horrors of Isis and that poor, big hearted chap waiting for a grizzly death. Alan Henning, by his very brave, unselfish action should be appreciated by the government. He should get the George Cross, the peace time equivalent of the Victoria Cross. I know this won’t help him now but may at least bring some comfort to his dismayed family.

It is hard not to think dark thoughts about our Muslim community and their seemly puny response, but the true Muslims I know and respect are quiet thoughtful decent people. They could teach us “wasps” a thing or two about gentleness and compassion. The rise of the extreme right is worrying and perhaps those in Isis are deliberately trying to provoke this typical response from the stupid people, well it seems to be working.

Sorry there isn’t much to giggle about so far, except my favourite lines from Coronation Street are, Phyllis says,” Aye Percy would you kiss me under the missal toe?” Percy replies, “ I wouldn’t kiss you under an anaesthetic.” And lastly someone enquires the whereabouts of another forgettable character from corrie, but Kirk, my favourite character, knows the answer, “She has gone to Israel to live on a kibab!” Priceless....

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Will I stay or will I go? What if you are Scottish, in Scotland? What a dilemma! How would you vote? The No campaigners haven’t come across well, with their threatening and patronising points. And the Yes campaigners haven’t offered any concrete alternatives to the money, pensions, NHS and defence issues. But what little I know of the Scots, they have always wanted their own identity. We, the English just don’t get that, we don’t care so why should anyone else? We know we are a melting pot of raiders that didn’t go home. So where does that need for national identity end? Aren’t there a huge differences between the Highlanders and Lowlanders; Catholics and Protestants; Islanders or Mainlanders?

What else do I know about my Northern cousins? They tend to be thoughtful, reflective and compassionate. Probably more so than us Southerners would admit to anyway. But mainly, they are not stupid. Why bang on about them not knowing what is going to happen to them, as if they can’t possibly know? One of the traits that make us Islanders better at invention is our in-built belief that a problem can be solved, it’s only a question of thinking it through from different angles and the answer will come. And it usually does in Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish minds more than any other peoples on this planet.

Well imagine the Yes voters winning. Will the UK say they can’t use the pound? I don’t think so. Not until a debt repayment deal has been agreed.  Will the UK lend them money to get through this interim period? There will be Banks lining up to lend money at better rates than 0.5%. Will the EU welcome them straight in? It is possible Spain would block them as they don’t want to set a president with separatists getting special treatment by jumping the queue to get in. They don’t have to join the EU anyway, Norway isn’t doing to badly on their own.

And then there is Wales. I will move to Pembrokeshire and start an English freedom campaign to get Pembrokeshire annexed back to England, if those total tossers in the Senedd (Welsh version of Senate) get anymore powers to mess up. We now have the worst NHS in the UK and our education levels have gone from top equal with Northern Island to rock bottom (level with Clacton-on-Sea!). OK I did make that last bit up. No offence Clacton, you may well be better than those interviewed hoping to vote UKIP, last month.

As you can see, I have enjoyed venting my spleen, but once the adrenalin has stopped coursing through my Rioja hardened veins I really do believe we are better together.  Teams are always better than individuals at solving problems, there are enough of those on our near horizon. Good luck and may your God go with you.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Good Day, Sunshine!

Good day, sunshine...what a great song, positive and happy and yet there is a little melancholy lurking about. My little world is a happy world; I have just reduced my working hours to 4 days a week and tomorrow promises to be sunny. This is good, as I plan to chase a small white ball aimlessly around a few (18) well kept meadows.

But, I feel like I am left with my 3rd form chums to play marbles in the corner of the playground while the thugs in the 6th Form are squaring up for a fight. This fight has been brewing for a month or so, but the biggest lump is reluctant to start it. He needs to clear the air, as the other thugs have been stealing sweats from the juniors.

How have we got to this? Surely it is a lack of clear leadership from the outset? We should have blasted Assad off the map last year, then the extremists would not have got the upper hand with the opposition to Assad. Now we will have to fight Isis for years to come. Obama could have turned around to all his Arab friends and told them to get involved or lose his protection. As to Putin, ask the Ukraine if they want to join NATO and the EU. If they say yes, then tell the Ukraine to hold a referendum across the whole of the Ukraine for a majority mandate. If the vote comes back in favour then NATO will have to accept, and then the Mad House Elf will either have to start a nuclear war or withdraw. Simples.

I am not finished yet. We in the UK, and I, are just as guilty as the rest, of opposing any more conferral with those spendthrift twats in Brussels and Strasbourg . But now we need to think again. Shouldn’t we have a combined force with our old “friends” with their genetic ability to march in time and drive Panzers? Those Ruskies won’t like it up ‘em. Don’t think the good people of Ohio will be in a hurry to join in any land fight in Europe until it’s nearly over. Now is the time to join forces, when we have a common enemy, we do have two fronts opening up...has this happened before?

Who will be our Churchill? Can’t imagine earnest Ed rallying the troops, shiny Dave has lost his credibility, nauseating Nick won’t come up to muster...but hey, who is this coming over the horizon with a big adam’s apple and smile like a crocodile...its Nige! Help!!!  Please come back, Boris!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Gliding at 63!

I have got to 63 and discovered a new sport, Gliding! Sally and I were treated to an evening of gliding, as a present for our Ruby Wedding Anniversary (40 years!) from a dear friend. We each had a turn, sitting in the front with an in structure strapped in behind. He had control while we went through a steep take off. The glider was pulled down a long field by a powered winch at a rate of 0 to 60 in 4 seconds! It was similar to being a passenger in a Ferrari being driven flat out. The G force was exhilarating. The hook drops off at 900 feet and we are free, faint sound of wind rushing passed (it wasn’t me) gliding over the Usk Valley. After no more than a minute the instructor hands over control to you. To accelerate, push the lever between your legs (steady) about 4 inches and the nose dips. The speed indicator moves up from 45 knots to 50 knots immediately. To come back up, do the reverse. To turn, lean the lever to bank in the direction you wish to turn, it’s that simple. It was brilliant, better than sailing or sculling, we were both hooked!

It really is never too late to learn new tricks. But there are no tricks to successful selling, it’s quite the opposite. I am often told that the worst thing a salesman can do is to pester the customer. It is a fine line to tread, as you do not want to appear uninterested but neither do you want to appear desperate either. Even after 45 years of selling I still get nervous about the outcome of a quote, and then really chuffed when I get the order, it is such a personal feeling, like a faithful dog relishing a pat on the head.  What does that say about me Mr Freud? I need to be loved...regularly....

More embarrassing revelations will be revealed next week. 

Friday, 1 August 2014


Phew, what a test match! Cookie scores some runs and the team are inspired, leadership and team work.  It really does work.

Did you see the programme on Watch HD, last night, called Million Dollar Intern? I recommend you try to catch it or certainly try to watch next week’s version. It has been running since the 10th of July but I only came across it last night and I am really fired up!

In a nut shell, this old duffer and feisty wife run a double business: downstairs is an old book shop and upstairs is classical tea room in a rich Midlands town centre. The old duffer is depressed and has lost his drive, convinced the business is going to hit the buffers soon, while feisty wife is making a real go of her business upstairs. He realises he needs to do something and so enlists this young entrepreneur to come in, disguised as a new low paid employee, to spy on the business and come up with a plan to turn it around. I am not going to go into more detail, as you may be able to catch up with the programme, suffice it to say his recommendations are tough but they do work.

What really comes across and why I am so wired today is how much energy you need to work on your business, and you MUST be passionate and committed. Obviously, I hear you say, but remember it takes 10,000 hours to get really good at any skill, like flying, sailing, golf or manufacturing.

The time to relax and sit back is when you have sold the business and you are on that world cruise, ready for a massive heart attack!

Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Bad Moon really has risen

The Bad Moon really has risen; perhaps it’s too early to make any pointed comments about the Malaysian Airways second disaster.  I refer to my earlier comments, it may not be a bad idea to go and chop some wood, as there probably won’t be a lot of gas flowing this winter.

Changing back to more philosophical matters.

A customer of mine talked about how almost all really successful companies start with a good idea, they work from their sitting rooms and garage, gradually moving into proper premises. All good so far, then the biggest danger period begins. Suddenly there are lots of extra costs, lots more distracting problems, that aren’t anything to do with the core business. Before you know it you have taken your eye off the ball, expenses have overtaken income and very hard decisions need to be made.

Quite often inventors are not that good at communicating, these are sometimes known as geeks. The secret here is to know your short comings and weaknesses. Bring in people that can manage your weak areas and value them, because without them you are going nowhere. I have seen it so often where the “founder” really resents paying these “hangers-on”, his words not mine. But these helpers should be looked at as partners not servants. Every hour they handle tedious problems, is another hour to give the founder the time to get on with your area of expertise. It’s called team work.

About four years ago I went on a course at Swansea University, it was called LEADWales. I had visions of learning to be Die Moses leading the Welsh back across the Severn estuary, which had miraculously opened up before us. Being pursued by Arthur Scargill and his army of Soviet backed thugs!  I have said this before; it was a really good course, in my view. I was going through a very sticky time with my own company, and the help and advice that came from my fellow travellers was very welcome indeed. But what really changed my whole attitude to business and enterprise was two different forms of psychometric testing, and then analysis.  I realised that I wasn’t best suited to be the sole leader of my little enterprise.  My strengths were in getting business for the company, encouraging my staff, listening, but most importantly being a team player!

I was quite taken aback, but then I thought about my main sport, rowing in 8s and 4s. You can’t get more team player than that!  Anyway, life or events happened beyond my control and Trim Tech had to be wound up. It was then that my lesson or self realisation (with the help of Belbin et al) that I made the choice to join a team and have not looked back, happy days.

Lastly I mentioned that it takes 10,000 hours of hard work and practise to be really good at anything worthwhile, I think the more you think about this the more you realise this is about right. Look at an Olympian or dare I say it professional sports man.  Really last thoughts, Germany won the world cup because they were the best team, we won the war because of the team of geeks in Bletchley Park! See how I did that, geeks and team work.